(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

You Make the World a Better Place

That was the punch line directly inside of this beautiful Thank You card and personalized gift bag bundle I received from a Doula Client, along with a stellar Yelp Review! Birth is so unpredictable, but the joys and triumphs of a straightforward, uncomplicated birthing experience are phenomenal to behold! I feel so fortunate to have truly intimate and expansive first hand experiences with so many couples whose births look nothing like the horrors depicted on the big screen. The normality of birth in the majority of labors is so breathtaking!! Thank you, Dr Ishimaru (&team) & Little Company of Mary, once again, for your incredible support of another of our newest South Bay little families!! Together, making an impact one family at a time:) SO awesome!  


Words just can't express how grateful are are to have had you as our Doula & teacher. God has given you an amazing gift of educating and empowering people to take ownership of their births and I/we feel so blessed to have been able to experience this with you. Your calming presence and the way you talked me through each contraction was exactly what I needed and you always were a step ahead in anticipating the best thing to do as I progressed. I could go on and on about how thrilled we are to have had the natural birth we always dreamed of, but overall, I am just overwhelmingly grateful you for empowering us and coaching us through it. You really are so gifted at what you do and I will be shouting your name from the rooftops to any pregnant person I meet!! Thanks again Holly! You really are a rockstar!



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