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One of the questions posed in the prenatal period, has to do with pushing and asking women if they are interested in waiting to see what the body does on its own. One of my most favorite moments with a couple, in regards to them choosing not to actively push, was when we arrived complete and the staff was milling about to set up the room without much notice to the first time mom who was quite docile and not raising any red flags that the birth was imminent. The husband looked at me and said he thought he saw the head! We snickered together, while she lay sleeplike on her side and allowed her time to let her body and baby work together, without the pressure of being told when and how to push. It wasn't until the baby's head was 1/2 out that they finally looked under the covers and realized what was happening NOW! Of course, not all perineal and pelvic floor damage can be prevented...sometimes it just happens, but it does seem to happen more in Dr directed pushing and in Dr directed birth positions. Interesting food for thought. http://www.mothering.com/…/women-in-labor-stop-pushing-see…/


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