(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com


Hey Holly, I just wanted to update you that we had our little one on the 15th. While she came so quickly (I didn't realize I was in labor until I was 8cm). We couldn't use any specific information from the Online class, which we loved, but the basic info and confidence it instilled in my husband to be present and supportive was amazing! We have a son, and yes I was totally shocked about a girl! They asked me to grab her and look for gender and I stuttered and checked 4 times. I then made my husband triple check when she went to the warmer. 😂 Gotta love it! I was completely convinced it was another boy. We're very excited but I'm also still in shock. Brother is adapting slowly (as would any toddler) and we're learning what life looks like as a family of 4! Also, polyhydramnios is crazy! Here is a photo of her cord to show you how much she spun trying to get into position! It still blows my mind!
Thank you so much for everything


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