(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

Partay Time!!

New little families are the most fun!! Our January - March Live Class Session finally had their Bradley Class Reunion this weekend! We missed a few of the couples who were unable to make it, but really enjoyed catching up since class ended in March and getting to meet all of the babies on the outside! I loved hearing about empowered birthing experiencesand their first months parenting. One of the couples who navigated various challenges along the way even said, while she was pushing a baby out, the nurses asked the Dr how she was doing it naturally?! The dr said plainly, “Bradley® training”. They were shocked to hear their prep for childbirth course credited for how they were navigating so well! Awesome! SO many joys and changes in this rapidly evolving season of life! I heard many of the moms connecting over the realities of being back at work full time, the various childcare scenarios, daddies navigating little ones themselves and lots of other things they continue to have in common, now that they are on the parenting side of the journey!! Womb friends!!! Many also took some time to share their insights about their class and birthing experiences. It was incredible to hear how many of them bonded with their partner, in unanticipated ways and all of the things they have continued to learn and implement and how they navigated brilliantly, with a very high level of satisfaction and little to no regrets. SO awesome!!:) The future is looking bright and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be of some small impact during this transformative season in life!!


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