(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

Natural Hospital Birth

A little note of appreciation from a recent South Bay, Group Prep for Childbirth Course couple I instructed:) Current statistics reflect that upwards of 90-95% of all laboring women receive pain medication (mostly epidural anesthesia) at some point, while laboring in our local hospitals. So, it is beyond incredible, for all involved, when a couple is able to navigate, even under extenuating circumstances, and feel incredibly satisfied and supported, to be able to birth 100% naturally, in the hospital setting:) Thank you, Dr's and staff at Little Co of Mary, Torrance, for your incredible support and for empowering and enabling healthy, low risk families, the freedom and support to be able to birth 100% naturally!!

The feelings surrounding the birthing experience DO matter, and research shows that those who have a high level of satisfaction and are treated respectfully, tend to fare better in parenting, relationships and in the postpartum recovery window, regardless of the actual outcome. Not every couple takes the time to share their positive stories, this is not the first and certainly won't be the last, but I felt compelled to share, in hopes of encouraging those on their journey right now:) It would be amazing if the normality of birth, under healthy, low risk circumstances could be the norm, once again!!:) Thank you for supporting evidence based practices LCM!! It makes the world of difference!!

Hi Holly,

This email is long overdue! It is hard to believe our little girl will be one month old tomorrow. (lots of photos attached!) After 28 hours of labor, our little princess made her grand debut, just minutes after her great-grandpa entered heaven. What an emotional day it was for our family filled with sorrow but also so much joy. We are beyond thankful for our little ray of sunshine and the light that she brings.

We delivered at Little Company of Mary and couldn't have been happier with our experience there. Our plan was originally to labor at home for as long as we could, but once my water broke we decided it was best to head to the hospital to make sure mom and baby were okay. I was admitted that night. Aside from that, we were able to completely stick to our birth plan. Our doctor and the nurses were very supportive of our wishes and made the experience that much greater. We can't say thank you enough to you for your class. We both felt so prepared and agree that we would not have been able to do it naturally without your help. My husband was an amazing coach! He never left my side and knew exactly what to say in those moments I felt like I couldn't make it. When I felt like the pain was too much and I just wanted to lay in bed, he encouraged me to get up and walk around, sit on my birthing ball or try a new position. My sweet mom was an amazing assistant coach as well. She stayed with us through Sunday night before heading over to another local hospital at 9am when her dad was taken off of life support. She was so strong for me that day. When she returned to Little Company she jumped right back in to be by my husband and I's side.
I'm still working on typing out her entire birth story and would love to share it with you once I complete it. Additionally, if needed we'd love to come to one of your classes and share our experience. Please feel free to reach out.
Thank you so much again!! We can't wait for the reunion!


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