(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

Natural Birth…Bad Back Labor!

Hey Holly!
I just wanted to reach out and let you know that our sweet little nugget did end up making her debut the day after the bloody show started! She was born Monday night and I was able to birth her naturally with the amazing help of my husband and sister! The hospital staff here in Tennessee was so great with the plan we had told them we wanted and the nurses all raved about how they hadn't seen a natural birth (they don't see many they said) go so incredible and ask if we had taken a class beforehand! We used all different techniques like the labor tub, shower, counter pressure, abdominal breathing and even more that you discussed in class! I had really bad back labor so it was absolutely a mental game for me to finish naturally but I just wanted to say thank you because with your class I was able to do it with my husband and we both said how much it helped us know what to do to get through it and birth a perfectly healthy 6.8 lb baby girl at a little over 37 weeks!! Thank you for such a great class!! This is our beautiful little princess!!


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