(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

Doulas Attract Knowledge Seekers…We Don’t Make Them:)

With all the attention Doula care is receiving, it’s undeniable that we, as Doulas, enhance our clients' experiences and outcomes. Period! Studies confirm the benefits, and various insurance companies, including Carrot, are increasingly promoting and covering substantial portions of the cost. You'll even see billboards at bus stops advocating for Doula use and Medi-Cal is now on board, among many others! Over the years, I've noticed a pattern with conservative, old-school doctors who openly call themselves "anti-Doula." They seem uneasy having patients who question their recommendations. Quick to cite their certifications, trainings, and awards, often implying a measure of offense taken for not just being fully trusted. Some patients, even late in pregnancy, have been dismissed by their doctors simply for asking too many questions or for disclosing they have a Doula on their team. And Doulas are not in the business of convincing or persuading clients to ask so many questions, we are merely meeting a need of the huge emotional and informational gap that exists. Take a look at just two pages of my Lending Library log, and you’ll see my clients typically borrow 5-9 books or videos on the subject, where many rarely even invest any interest, apart from the little that is provided through prenatal interactions with their care provider. They are eager to inform themselves, pregnant with questions, and seeking knowledge. They understand the importance of being well-informed rather than going in blind and possibly coming out of what should be one of life’s most beautiful moments feeling regret or trauma. Here’s to lifelong learners and those who love to ensure they are informed enough to make their own choices, earning the title "thinking people". I absolutely love that!


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