(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com


15 years of serving families in the south bay! Various Package Options available. Please fill out the inquiry form and let's look to connect on the phone soon!

Congratulations on adding to your family! I get the incredible privilege of having the opportunity to walk alongside expectant and new parents, in one of life’s most intimate, powerful and transformative moments!!! To encourage, support, educate, empower & reassure families during this exciting, uncertain time, is my greatest delight! I have had the opportunity to provide Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Night Nanny, Infant Sleep Training Services, etc, in various locations in the South Bay, Los Angeles, Beach Cities and surrounding areas. No two situations are the same and each couple is so unique in their vision and desires, incorporating various family customs/traditions, along with the support team they have assembled and all those they have invited to share in this monumental season of life with. Being well supported in ALL of their various hopes and desires, is amazing to witness, as it all unfolds. To Have A Doula Is To Have SUPPORT, ENCOURAGEMENT, KNOWLEDGE, SECURITY AND SO MUCH MORE!

Please Inquire About Various Birth Doula Package & Pricing Options.

Birth & Postpartum Support Available, According to Your Unique Needs. Option to Bundle Online Comprehensive Prep for Childbirth Course With Any Package!!

Natural Child birth
Birth Doula Services

Your Doula will offer support by helping you feel confident in the plans and preparations you have made for your birth. Beginning with the careful and deliberate selection of your birth team and birth location, to your efforts in positive, proactive prenatal care, through the final weeks of pregnancy and beyond birth. Your Doula will offer support as a continual sounding board to provide mental, physical and emotional reassurance throughout the demands of labor and into the first couple of hours postpartum. Your Doula is always available to help you in processing any thoughts or feelings, negative or positive, that come up along the journey, in order to help you make room for your soon coming arrival.  Your Doula will be in full support all of your desires and decisions at all times.


Your Doula, even in the presence of any medical abnormalities, warning signs or unexpected situations, will remain a calm sounding board, making every effort to encourage you in your decisions on behalf of the health and well being of both mom and baby, in the best interest of your family. Your Doula will be your own personal “Positive Encouragement and Praise” factory, lavishing encouragement and praise on you every step of the way, thus building your confidence in your ability to continue to labor in your own unique way. True encouragement brings a deep satisfaction and enables you to “let go” and “give in” to your birth process. Consistency lessens worry and tension and fear of the unknown, thereby also lessening the perceptions of the strong sensations that most often accompany labor.  Your Doula’s fully available encouragement in supporting your choices, should the events of your labor and birth not occur as you may have anticipated, goes a long way when reflecting on and processing the events surrounding your very special birth.

Knowledge - at your finger tips

Your Doula’s experience and knowledge about the normality of the birth process, no matter what the setting, will bring a sense of peace to the uncertainties that accompany childbirth.  Your well experienced, highly trained, certified Doula is one with a broad knowledge of the normal processes of birth, who has experienced birth several times herself and has encountered various other scenarios firsthand in supporting other laboring couples and through training simulations. You can rest assured that your Doula is available and willing to share all resources available to help you have the best possible understanding of what you might expect to encounter in labor and will be able to help with various comfort and coping techniques.


Although there are no guarantees in the pregnancy/labor/birth process, hiring a Doula who supports your individual hopes and desires for this very special time, ensures that you have made the fullest commitment and given yourselves the very best opportunity of having the most positive and empowering birth experience possible. Your Doula will always be available for a phone conversation or visit throughout early labor and will remain with you throughout active/late stage labor, birth and in the immediate hours postpartum, giving you added security especially when dealing with the unfamiliarity of the birth process and modern obstetric and hospital practices. Security in the kind of care you will receive is heightened with the use of a Doula because you are assured there is at least one person on your birth team who is specifically devoted to you and your spouse/partner and your specific needs/wellbeing at all times. 


2017 Lomita Blvd | PMB#318 Lomita | CA 90717| 

T: 310 748 1030


Beautiful Birth is a Bradley Class, Online Bradley Class and Doula Support Service based in Lomita, CA Serving all of the South Bay, Los Angeles and Orange County, Manhattan Beach, Beverly Hills, Palos Verdes, Torrance, Long Beach, Redondo Beach and Beyond!

Birth Doula Services In Lomita CA | Doula Pregnancy Coach | Doula Services Near Me | Birth And Postpartum Doula