(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com
Doula Services


Holly Press of Beautiful Birth, answers your questions pertaining to Birth Doula Services. Birth and Postpartum Doula Services, Night Nanny, Infant Sleep Training Services are available in the Greater Los Angeles and Surrounding areas, including the Beach Cities of the South Bay, Long Beach, Torrance etc. Don’t see your question answered here? Please do not hesitate to reach out via text, email or phone!

How early should I hire a doula and what services does a doula provide before the baby is born?  

Some book as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed! Others do not hear about Doulas until 2 weeks before they actually give birth!! Again, we are all different. When you book early, you are more likely to find a Doula with availability for your EDD, as their calendars tend to fill up or be blocked out, especially around the Holidays and in the Summer time. The earlier you book, the more opportunities to really invest in this beautiful relationship that is unlike any other. Doulas are like family without the drama. Maybe you have an incredible family, but chances are they occasionally express opinions and insights that are in direct opposition with what you think you have in mind for your own family, and that can be uncomfortable at times. Not so with a Doula. Doulas are full support. Yes, they may make suggestions about food for thought considerations, but it never comes across as opinionated or a list of have to’s, it is just what we have experience seeing the benefits of and wanting you to glean the potential benefits too. Before the birth Doulas can provide as little or as much as you desire in the way of information / education / support on a variety of topics such as: healthy pregnancy, prep for parenthood, sibling adjustment, marital connectedness and communication, comfort measures to handle labor well, understanding patterns of labor, resource for outside referrals, provide additional information on subjects of interest, a sounding board for questions / concerns etc. A Doula is an expert in the normality of pregnancy / birth & the immediate postpartum, a non judgmental friend and resource for life!!

I’ve read all of the books and watched all of the videos and feel pretty confident in my ability to birth well, but everyone keeps saying I need a Doula! Help me understand why.

That is outstanding that you are feeling so good about yourself and the preparation of your mind / body / emotions / spirit in anticipation of the life altering shift that is making a human inside of your body / labor / birth / parenthood!! Way to go! Maybe you have an excellent care provider and birthing location in place, an active and aware, loving supportive partner / coach faithfully by your side, have a very healthy respect and appreciation and deep knowledge of the normality of birth and have done well to understand what it might take to stay healthy and low risk throughout, are aware of any possible complications / unexpected situations / potential pitfalls along the way and have been incredibly proactive in greatly reducing or completely eliminating all fear and stress(ors) in life and are truly all good to go! That is awesome!! I hope you share with others and continue to pass on all that you have learned and help bring back normality to birth!! That is my mission, for sure!! But, if you are like many of us, overworked and underpaid, facing occasional overwhelm with all that is entailed along this journey, desiring clarity on the controversial issues, looking for a sounding board to bounce your endless questions / concerns off of, surprised that your care provider does not offer anything in the way of education during this vital season, feeling like your desires are not in line with common culture and wanting reassurance from one who knows and has experienced the incredible possibilities….then a Doula might be a great fit. All that and we haven’t even gotten to the actual labor yet! Labor is really something! If it were completely simple and straightforward, I would not feel compelled to want to step in in any way and help you. But it is usually not. Sometimes it is, and that is awesomeness!! But, as often happens, when it is not simple and straightforward, then what? How do you determine what is the best move for your particular family? Or is the answer the same for everyone across the board? I think we all know that is not the case, based on how differently we all choose to live our everyday lives. Variety and uniqueness are the spice of life and you should have full freedom to continue to choose what spices flavor your experience without being told it is salt and pepper only for everyone!! Having a Doula is definitely not a one size fits all model and is certainly not for everyone. Go with your gut and you won’t fail to make the best choice on behalf of your family:)

Can I benefit from a doula if I am considering a pain medication?

You most certainly can! There are various times throughout the entirety of the pregnancy / labor / birth and immediate postpartum that all of the reasons listed above come into play in having a Doula as support to you. Additionally, being aware of how to continue to feel emotionally secure and be proactive once receiving the epidural, to hope to keep labor progressing, are all ways that Doula can aid in a medicated birth. Doula can offer additional insights and information, facilitate communication with your partner and care provider, assist in translating medical terms and language / ideas that may not be familiar to you, continue to support and champion your decisions as being right for your family (respecting and appreciating that birth preferences may change), being an extra set of hands / eyes / ears aware of how to help navigate well moving forward, whether the epidural was originally a part of the plan or not.

My partner desires to be very involved and is afraid a Doula will place him / her in the back seat.

Definitely not! Your partner is encouraged to be involved as much or as little as they desire and feel comfortable. Sometimes they do not even realize how incredible it can be! I have seen partners do extraordinary and unexpected things throughout the journey of pregnancy / labor / birth and postpartum. Bottom line is that Doulas know birth. Your partner knows YOU! A great Doula helps your partner look like a total rockstar, as they navigate all of the behind the scenes and in between moments of daily life and early labor, in the quiet, private support moments that aid in your emotional security and physical / mental wellbeing. Additionally, with Doulas wide range of knowledge and experience, when questions / complications / uncertainties arise, you have an objective third party perspective in your back pocket to reference, throughout your entire pregnancy / labor / birth and immediate postpartum season. Doulas are not just for the pregnant ladies, but also very much for the partner!

What if I decide I would like an epidural?

Different strokes for different folks for sure, and the hardest part about birth is not knowing all of the twists and turns that may arise or how long it might take or what all you might actually experience as a part of your journey. The majority of couples who have a spontaneous start to their labor, with no pre existing or pregnancy induced medical conditions and without an induction, most often handle the normal sensations that accompany labor, quite brilliantly!! Many seem to be surprised that it never even got to the point that might consider needing additional assistance in the way of pain meds. Fear greatly increases your perception of pain, so working to reduce or eliminate stress and fear is a huge step you can take in advance. However, you need to do you! For some, the total reduction of “pain” sensations, is what allows them the emotional security to let go, give in and birth their baby well. I have seen epidurals used in various strategic ways by clients, which lends itself to a very high level of overall satisfaction. As with any proposed medical procedure or intervention, there are always potential, known and unknown side effects and risks that you should be aware of in advance of making a true informed decision. But, it is completely your decision to make!

How does a doula interact with my partner and family during birth?  

The presence of a Doula at your birth complements and strengthens a partner’s role. During pre-natal visits, your doula discusses your partner’s comfort level with participation during labor and collaborates with your partner to best support you. Studies show that partners participate more actively during labor when a Doula is present. Your partner and your family bring a loving emotional connection and an intimate knowledge of you that your Doula does not have. In combination with your Doula’s professional experience and expertise, the team creates an incredible support system.

Are doulas welcome in hospitals and medical settings? 

Yes. It is the Doula’s goal to establish good working relationships with the doctors, midwives and medical staff of her expectant families. Communication, respect, professionalism, and trust create a supportive birthing team. 

How can I ensure the doula I hire will be available the day I go into labor? 

Of course, there are no hard and fast assurances…this is birth!! However, most Doulas limit the number of and specific types of clients she takes each month, in order to hope to accommodate everyone with the highest standard of support, care and excellence and to help ensure her availability to you for the big event. In the case of an unforeseen emergency or irreconcilable conflict, you will have a loving and supportive back-up Doula, with the same measure of care and professionalism, to support you.

What happens if the baby comes early or late? 

Once you retain your Doula, she is committed to serving you whether your baby is born before or after the estimated due date.

Why should I take childbirth education and other preparation if I hire a doula?

The most satisfying birth experiences happen when you, your partner, and your family are physically, emotionally and mindfully prepared for each birthing stage: prenatal, labor, birth and postpartum.

If I have a C-section, can I still benefit from having a doula? 

Yes. Even in a surgical setting, your Doula is there to comfort and reassure while also explaining what is happening and guide you through what to expect from the procedure as well as immediate and long term recovery. Doula can offer assistance with the first breastfeeding and bonding. With the permission of your doctor and anesthesiologist, your doula may also be able to accompany you into the operating room, if desired. 

Will my health insurance pay for reimburse or birth doula services?

Some insurance companies will reimburse for Doula services as ‘out of network’ care services. Please contact me for more info on how to submit a claim.


2017 Lomita Blvd | PMB#318 Lomita | CA 90717| 

T: 310 748 1030


Beautiful Birth is a Bradley Class, Online Bradley Class and Doula Support Service based in Lomita, CA Serving all of the South Bay, Los Angeles and Orange County, Manhattan Beach, Beverly Hills, Palos Verdes, Torrance, Long Beach, Redondo Beach and Beyond!