(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com
Hospital Stay

Hospital Stay

Real Life Q & A: As we watched a video in class last night someone asked, “When did they decide that 12 hours was not a long enough stay in the hospital after giving birth vaginally?” (in the video, the parents only stayed about 12 hours post baby) In...
ACOG Update-Postpartum

ACOG Update-Postpartum

The evidence continues to catch up to wellness care practices that have been implemented culturally, for most of history before modern obstetrical care came on the scene. This newest AGOG Opinion Paper, issued May 2018 focuses on optimizing Postpartum Care, including...
Even Easier Now….

Even Easier Now….

Eating well when working, pregnant, raising a family, grieving the loss of a loved one…really, anytime, can be a real challenge! It is incredible that we live in this tech savvy age that has these kinds of resources at your fingertips to help. There are really...


The postpartum life was everything I expected and nothing I expected all at once. It’s an incomparable time and as much as I prepared for it, it could not be explained or described without actually living in it. Even then, there are not enough words or none that can...