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Hospital Stay

Hospital Stay

Real Life Q & A: As we watched a video in class last night someone asked, “When did they decide that 12 hours was not a long enough stay in the hospital after giving birth vaginally?” (in the video, the parents only stayed about 12 hours post baby) In...


One of the questions posed in the prenatal period, has to do with pushing and asking women if they are interested in waiting to see what the body does on its own. One of my most favorite moments with a couple, in regards to them choosing not to actively push, was when...


Doula Care “Research shows that many women do not have enough information about the maternity care choices they face or the risks and benefits of various options. Women have reported feeling that they do not have the capacity to be actively engaged in their...
ACOG Update-Postpartum

ACOG Update-Postpartum

The evidence continues to catch up to wellness care practices that have been implemented culturally, for most of history before modern obstetrical care came on the scene. This newest AGOG Opinion Paper, issued May 2018 focuses on optimizing Postpartum Care, including...
Lowering the C-section Rate

Lowering the C-section Rate

Getting to attend births on a regular basis, I totally agree that even these few factors can make a HUGE difference in whether or not you are able to have a vaginal, let alone, natural, birth. It is so encouraging to see the trends shifting again and evidence catching...


Some updated evidence backed information regarding the term “failure to progress.” What you don’t know, can greatly affect your birthing experience. Please take the time to become informed and share with those you care about:)...