(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com
Armed & Ready

Armed & Ready

As an added bonus with my Comprehensive Online Prep for Childbirth Course Series, I always offer an opportunity for couples to connect with me via any modality, to address any questions or concerns along the way! Some of of my previous couples have taken FULL...
Natural Hospital Birth

Natural Hospital Birth

A little note of appreciation from a recent South Bay, Group Prep for Childbirth Course couple I instructed:) Current statistics reflect that upwards of 90-95% of all laboring women receive pain medication (mostly epidural anesthesia) at some point, while laboring in...
Vaginal Exams

Vaginal Exams

Did you know you can decline cervical checks during pregnancy? If you’re not looking to be induced or in active labor, they’re not only medically unnecessary, they can be painful, cause spotting, increase risk of infection, or even premature rupture of...