(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com
C Section…Nope!

C Section…Nope!

From my first Birth Doula consultation in the coffee shop, this little family had me rolling with laughter! They are SO much fun! All of the time! And the husband caught many of our antics, through his love for candid photography. The Birth Doula often becomes like...
A Little Nudge, and BINGO!

A Little Nudge, and BINGO!

Hi Holly! Finally getting around to giving you note about our birth! Our little guy was born, weighing 8lb 1oz at 41 weeks/3days! The day before his birth my amniotic fluid was low so my midwives sent me to Long Beach Memorial to have them check me. I was 2cm dilated...
Partay Time!!

Partay Time!!

New little families are the most fun!! Our January – March Live Class Session finally had their Bradley Class Reunion this weekend! We missed a few of the couples who were unable to make it, but really enjoyed catching up since class ended in March and getting...
Surprise! Natural!

Surprise! Natural!

Sometimes, when couples begin to relay the details of their experience, as it has unfolded for them, with all of their insights, recollections and feelings surrounding their experience, I wish I had a way to capture the true essence of how they tell it. Like having a...
I Feel The LOVE!

I Feel The LOVE!

After little one arrives, it is extremely difficult to have the headspace and time to sit and write a stellar review, amidst all of the day to day with a new little one in tow! I honestly never expect a review, as I know how hard it is to do it myself, so, it really...