(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

C Section…Nope!

From my first Birth Doula consultation in the coffee shop, this little family had me rolling with laughter! They are SO much fun! All of the time! And the husband caught many of our antics, through his love for candid photography. The Birth Doula often becomes like family, as we share in such a special season of life together. I am there to listen, be a resource, sounding board and support. I am there when you have passed your estimated due date and are wanting to try techniques, hoping labor will begin on its own. I am there when you cannot sleep at night because you are so uncomfortable, as I offer some tips and tricks that might help. I am there to refer you to an appropriate specialist, when you feel like you need support in other areas. I am right beside you as you face a cesarean.

Then, something amazing happens! Baby turns a corner, the cesarean is called off and shortly after, you birth your baby vaginally! We all cry together! And then, more rolling with laughter....IN-CRED-I-BLE!!!! Birth and all of the moments in between are what makes being a Birth Doula so spectacular!


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