(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com


Working with such a wide array of people, in one of life most memorable and transformative, intimate moments, is just the most incredible thing, ever!! This couple was extremely well informed and their learning journey took them on a path of really searching out, accepting and practicing “normality”, especially when it comes to childbirth. They tore through a great many volumes in my lending library and were voracious in gobbling up everything that came their way, in an effort to remain a healthy and low risk in pregnancy and be prepared for the big day! Even things that I might casually discuss about personal habits or hobbies etc as the pregnancy drew to a close, she/they had already jumped on board, instinctively, and were in full agreement…it was really super cool!

The big day began a bit earlier and differently than expected, as the water breaking was the very first thing (which happens in about 5% of labors). After a bit of a slow start, some “midwife” interventions, as well as maternal sleep relaxation positioning, things got moving! In the last part of their pregnancy, this couple decided upon a Birth Center and a midwife for their Birthing Team.

A couple of my most memorable moments were them, together, in bed, as her contractions really began to pick up, crying tears of joy in anticipation of the remainder of this “work” that was going to bring them their long-awaited little arrival! Another, was when she decided she was ready to make the long drive to the Birth Center, she sat straight up in the back seat of the car! Following from behind, I was in awe, as she appeared completely normal, in spite of all she was going thru. The experience was very intense for her and I was unsuccessful in lessening the intensity for her. Fortunately, the midwife, with way more experience than I, was so incredibly solid in her frequent assurances and the birth team, with all of the cogs in the wheel, continued to work together wondrously!!

In the end, daddy was the first to touch his new little man and welcome him to the world!! Each labor and birth is specially crafted for each momma and baby. It is truly remarkable when time and space are given, in the face of discomfort, but still well within the range of “normality”. So precious!


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