(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

Armed & Ready

As an added bonus with my Comprehensive Online Prep for Childbirth Course Series, I always offer an opportunity for couples to connect with me via any modality, to address any questions or concerns along the way! Some of of my previous couples have taken FULL advantage and we have had some incredibly insightful and informative discussions as they wade through the material and their thoughts about it all. This couple, however, was the very first, to just take the bull by the horns and wrangle their way through the entire course without asking me one single question via text, email or phone! Local couples also have access to sit in on a live class or two, in Lomita, when we are demonstrating hands on coping techniques, as well, and the majority take me up on it:) Stoked to know that the material is easy enough to follow for those who want to just do it all themselves, as well!
Hi Holly!
We have finished the Online Classes and feel armed with super useful knowledge!! We are practicing our relaxation techniques, and implementing a good high protein, well balanced and varied diet. The classes were so useful for both me and Ian. I am really excited to put it all to use! Only a week and a half until due date..tho we are aiming for ā€œoverdueā€ ;)
We donā€™t have any questions at this time, but will definitely reach out if any arise.
Thank you for being available, and thank you for the wealth of information that we gleaned from the classes!


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