(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

An Awesome Text

From a couple who took my Online Comprehensive Prep for Childbirth Course, in the comfort of their own home, due to a crazy schedule. The class environment is ideal for most, as interacting and building relationships with others in the same life stage is so valuable, but amazing for couples like these to have other ways of gleaning this incredible information!!:)
Hello Holly!! Our beautiful gift came naturally at the hospital at 8:23am! He was 6lbs 15oz and 18in. Thank you so much for everything you've taught us and how your class has made us become more self aware and to be thinking, wondering and curious parents! The hardest part was navigating the hospital postpartum protocols. Our baby came back with some results of jaundice and it has been difficult, but we finally got discharged today. Also, our birth story was awesome!! My water broke at 7a Sunday. We stayed calm and continued to sleep and go about our day at church and had lunch and went for a walk and errands. That night, contractions got more consistent at 11pm. I tracked it until I felt it was getting moderate. Hubby woke up around 1a and he was a rockstar as he coached me through all of the emotional signs from active labor all the way through transition. Our doula came right when we transitioned from active labor to the pushing stage. We got to the hospital around 5:45am and to the birth room around 6:15a. I was dilated 9.5 cm when they checked me at triage!! We pushed for nearly 2 hours and he came out!! We couldn't be more thrilled!! Thank you so much!!


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