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ACOG Update-Postpartum

The evidence continues to catch up to wellness care practices that have been implemented culturally, for most of history before modern obstetrical care came on the scene. This newest AGOG Opinion Paper, issued May 2018 focuses on optimizing Postpartum Care, including having a "post care plan" and support team in place prenatally!!! Yes! It would be remarkable if all considered the vital importance of the first few months postpartum, in regards to wellness for the family unit and made it a priority on the schedule and finances of anyone adding a new little member. Set yourself up for greater satisfaction and success by considering and preparing for, in advance, for the season of the first 3 months postpartum:) ACOG is the guideline of standard of care for your care provider to follow.... https://www.acog.org/Clinical-Guidance-and-Publications/Committee-Opinions/Committee-on-Obstetric-Practice/Optimizing-Postpartum-Care  


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