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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Update

Getting closer! I would highly encourage you to share this with all of your pregnant friends, as well as print out a copy to discuss with your care provider:) In my prep for childbirth class series, people become increasingly aware that they are less afraid of the act of birth than they are of all of the routine interventions. This new Feb 2017 ACOG Committee Opinion that recommends maternity care providers to restrict the use of many common labor and birth interventions that have been found to offer limited or uncertain benefit to low-risk women and many of which are not necessarily the safest care for women and babies. The full 8 page ACOG Opinion is posted, as well as Childbirth Connections abbreviated and simplified version. Please Read and PLEASE SHARE!! http://www.acog.org/…/Approaches-to-Limit-Intervention-Duri… http://www.nationalpartnership.org/…/professional-recommend…


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