(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com


You know what really surprises me? All I never knew when pregnant and giving birth to my children. I am an educator and supporter of the childbearing years now, and my mind is blown, weekly, by all of the information out there and realizing all I have never known about this season in life.

And yet, somehow, I managed to give birth in a way that was fully satisfying and rewarding to me (each of the 5 times I did it), and that provided strength and depth of character, like few other life experiences, could. And somehow, I have managed to keep my children alive and be walking alongside of them in their teenage years, excited for what the future might hold for each of them.

I guess I just wanted to share, because in this age of massive amounts of information intake, during these years that have always previously been intuition or family culture/tradition centered, I just want you to know that you are going to be OK:)

You are going to make it through the transition from pregnant to parent and beyond, regardless of how much you think you do or do not know. It is in our nature to nurture and to try and do the very best we can. And that is enough. It really is.

I will never stop being obsessed about giving relevant and dynamic information to all those who cross my path, as an educator and supporter in this season of life, and sharing all of the things I have seen and now have a better understanding of….but I will also remember to remind you that you are going to be ok. You will handle what life brings to you, in all of the various seasons, including this one, and will be the better for it!

A couple of things I wish I would have known in my first pregnancy, that I know and teach now:

-How to prevent having ankles that were swollen like an elephant -How to sit in a way that might have kept me from triggering the predisposition of varicosities -The lost art of self-care and its vital importance in the childbearing years and beyond -I could go on and on...

How about you? What do you wish you would have known? What have you learned, through experience, that you wish to now impart to others?

What words of confidence would you speak over you of the past, that you can now share with those who might be reading?

Let’s rebuild the sisterhood community and be encouraging to one another:) Women are amazing!!!


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