(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

A Little Nudge, and BINGO!

Hi Holly!

Finally getting around to giving you note about our birth! Our little guy was born, weighing 8lb 1oz at 41 weeks/3days! The day before his birth my amniotic fluid was low so my midwives sent me to Long Beach Memorial to have them check me. I was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced at that point. They recommended induction, which disqualified me from being at the birthing center. After taking our time to discuss with each other and the physician we came up with our new plan A. We agreed to have the foley balloon placed first and then work from there. I had the balloon in for an hour and my labor kicked off! I labored for 12 hours, pushed for 1, and he was born! Although our original plan did not come to pass, I was still able to give birth drug free! I was so thankful. We had the best case scenario for what we were given. Having the Online Bradley Classes was so useful. I will admit that we got off track towards the end when things got hard. I forgot to relax and breathe and hubby loosened his coaching. The end was tough. I ended up with a decent 2nd degree tear. Lessons learned for next time. But heck, I don’t think there’s a class in the world to prepare a woman for the sensations she experiences in labor for the first time! But we made it through together. And we are thrilled to have him here with us-labor already seems so long ago! Thank you for all the valuable information that we received in your classes. I’m looking forward to implementing all that knowledge even better the next time around! Attached is a photo from today~ 3.5 weeks old



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