(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

I Feel The LOVE!

After little one arrives, it is extremely difficult to have the headspace and time to sit and write a stellar review, amidst all of the day to day with a new little one in tow! I honestly never expect a review, as I know how hard it is to do it myself, so, it really delights my heart to read about the impact I am making on one little family at a time. I feel the love! Many have told this couple, after hearing their birthing story, that they were surprised they were able to birth vaginally, under such unusual and extenuating circumstances. It doesn't always end up that way, but it was SUPER incredible to support all of their decisions along the way and see them be able to birth vaginally...so triumphant! I am thankful for the supportive Midwife birth team at UCLA, Santa Monica, for their immense support!!!

It's taken me a while to write this review, because words just can't describe how wonderful it was to have Holly as our doula!

From the moment we met her, Holly made us feel completely at ease. Her doula services, partnered with taking her Online Class, allowed us to go into birth feeling empowered, excited, and fully prepared!

During pregnancy, Holly was easily accessible through text messages, phone calls, and emails. I would send her a little update after each appointment with my midwives, and contacted her anytime a question came up. She truly has a gift for talking through a decision and guiding you to make the choice that is best for you and your baby- sharing a wealth of information without pressing her own opinion on you.

My goal was to give birth with as little intervention as possible. Thanks to Holly's class, my husband and I were able to labor at home for 12 hours! Throughout that time, my husband was keeping Holly updated by text. Then, when we headed to the hospital at 3:00am, Holly was there waiting for us when we pulled in. We were able to make it through Transition and to 8cm dilation at home! (Because of Holly's class, my husband was totally knowledgeable and able to coach me throughout the entire labor!)

After an amazing 12 hours at home, I ended up laboring in the hospital for an additional 24 hours (YES! 24 more hours, even though I arrived at 8 cm!!!) and Holly was right there with us, unwaveringly supportive and encouraging the ENTIRE time! We certainly were not expecting to have some of the challenges we faced during later stages of labor, but thanks to Holly and her class, and having her as our Doula, we felt confident, prepared, and equipped to make all of the in-the-moment decisions.

Trust me, get Holly on your birth team!! We didn't know how much we needed her until we had her. WE LOVE YOU, HOLLY! (here's  a pic of Holly and the beautiful babe she helped bring into the world!)


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