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Doula Care "Research shows that many women do not have enough information about the maternity care choices they face or the risks and benefits of various options. Women have reported feeling that they do not have the capacity to be actively engaged in their maternity care decisions because their input or concerns are dismissed, ignored or not heard." Doula Care throughout your pregnancy, labor and birth can have a significant impact. "Doula support is a proven strategy to improve health outcomes for mothers and babies, reduce disparities, engage and increase the satisfaction of those receiving care and improve the value of care." Learn about the many ways and consider adding a Birth Doula to your trusted Birth Team;) http://www.nationalpartnership.org/research-library/maternal-health/overdue-medicaid-and-private-insurance-coverage-of-doula-care-to-strengthen-maternal-and-infant-health-issue-brief.pdf


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