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Missed It!

And sometimes it happens that you completely miss the birth! It has only happened a couple of times, but in this instance, I think it really was for the better and quite an unexpected delight for the couple to have finished the process so quickly this time, especially compared to their first experience. I love it when couples that have come through my class decide to also have me onboard for their special birth experience! The first time around, they already had their team in place, coming in, and were all set with being prepared through classes and with their team and ready for an awesome home birth. As is sometimes the case, it didn’t all work out that way for them. So, when preparing to welcome their second little bundle of boy, they decided to change up everything! New Dr., planned hospital, new doula (me)…… We did a lot of work on the front end, unpacking the first experience and how they had learned and grown and changed since then. Many realizations were made and they were determined to keep their hands and hearts wide open this time, ready for whatever the experience might bring, without holding on to ideals or expectations or even hopes this time around, for any certain kind of experience. They were also completely into being open to changing any and all routines that might have contributed to the first time being so difficult in mind and body. As the weeks continued, I would compliment this mom on the transformation I was seeing in her and her relationship with her hubby. In fact, they went above and beyond in such beautiful ways while also learning how to better rely on one another physically, mentally and emotionally. When the baby was presenting in a less than desirable position, we did relaxation positioning and I demonstrated many positions and techniques, while explaining the “why” behind it, so they could also practice and be purposeful on their own. They also sought out body work. The mom did an incredible job of eliminating stress and being aware of muscle groups and areas that might help or hinder the baby’s lining up position and even completely altered her normal exercise regimen to accommodate the theory of these techniques. Dad was active in helping with some nightly rebozo sifting and other supported techniques, in hopes of helping things line up well. He even made his own “rebozo” type of cloth complete with handles, to make it easier!!! Then, the due date came and went. Family history is early…she was breaking some serious records being a full week overdue! Contractions on and off for a couple of days. They were so casual about how it was all unfolding until I received the call to come at 7:20 in the morning. A handsome little stud entered the world within 30 minutes and I walked in to find this beautiful family in total shock that it had all happened so fast! They were so very thankful and believed all of the front prep in choosing a supportive Dr, having a supportive Birth Team in place and all of the mental, physical and emotional preparation to help line up the heart, mind, baby and her body, really paid off. Last time, she was surrounded by a village of other women and hubby was not clear of his role. This time, it was just the two of them, arriving crowning, he was her sole support. Together, they did it! Awesome! A few takeaways: Preparing to give birth is not always what you think it should be. Information is very valuable, but what you do with the information and how you implement it, goes a really long way! It is not about “getting it right”, it is about letting go. Letting go of preconceived ideas, hopes, necessary muscle groups, fears, emotions, insecurities, others directions, etc.. It is about tuning in and letting it take over your mind, body and soul. Also, it is incredible how quickly a baby can move through when all systems are a go! Shocking!


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