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Just in Time!!

This couple lit my fire! Being first time parents and having come through my Prep for Childbirth Course for couples, I had an opportunity to get a good feel for them, in advance of working with them as their Doula. That being said, I really had no idea how crazy amazing it was all going to play out, which was due, in very large part, to them being pretty well set on doing it their way. Along with a few others I have walked alongside of recently, they helped to revolutionize one of the ways in which I encourage couples to communicate with their care providers. Bottom line ladies: it is A-OK to be who you are to the core, without apology and without feeling like you need to dance around or avoid stepping on toes or giving in to please others! When it comes to childbirth: your body, your desires and your gut…you are the Queen! Navigating a less than supportive Dr is a tricky thing, but these two, as complex and frustrating as the Dr situation was, did not let it get them down and continued to act as they saw fit, regardless of the tension it created with their care provider, and in full confidence in one another and in having me on board to support them. After some relaxation positioning and being about 10 days post, according to the Dr, 3 days post according to her…it began, all on its own! They took it easy all morning as things progressed along and I arrived mid-afternoon when things just got cooking pretty quickly from then on out!! Only a few hours later, after watching and encouraging this woman to dig down so deeply and tune into her own body and baby to do what she needed to do, with hubby and I holding a safe space for her and being sure she had everything she needed at any given moment, it seemed it was time to leave for the birth location. Fortunately, they were only 5 minutes away and arrived crowning, with baby fully emerged within 5 minutes of arrival!!! They were astonished and so incredibly grateful to have had their ideal birthing experience with their first baby! Mom was still in her street clothes and there was no routine intervention. The nurse in the postpartum wing asked me if I just didn’t realize it was “go time” and if that was why we arrived so late? I smiled and replied that it was exactly what the couple was hoping for…mission accomplished! She then said, “well, good for all of you! Well done!” A few takeaways: I teach a Prep for Childbirth Course that very much includes the partners to be well equipped to love, encourage, serve, assist etc. the laboring mom in mental, physical and emotional ways, but being well prepared and well armed with all of these various tools, does not always mean you get to implement all or any of them, but it is definitely better to be prepared and have full understanding in advance. Sometimes, it happens that a mom does best with minimal physical or verbal support and just needs to know she is safe and you love her and you are right by her side and that she has what she needs deep down inside and she is encouraged to grab ahold of it, and that is OK! One of my most memorable moments was the transition from the house to the car. Her instinct was to move very slowly and even crawl, yet, knowing time was likely of the essence, I encouraged her to stand up between contractions and walk as fast as she could and seeing the influence you can have in a situation like that is incredible! She flew! Looking back, had she not done that, the baby would have likely arrived before even making it to the car! What an awesome privilege to get to walk alongside first-time parents and have them have such a positive first experience, even with an unfavorable Dr.. So awesome!! Your birth team can go a long way in helping you feel comfortable in your plans for birth or adding additional stress and anxiety and discord, so choose wisely!


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