(310) 748 1030 hello@beautifulbirth.com

Plans Changed but Felt VERY Prepared! Thanks!

Hi Holly! I just left a review - we loved the course and feel like it really helped us especially when our plans changed! The birth went great, though! I always say it was hilarious - started with a pretty optimistic looking home birth plan, PROM (Pre-labor Rupture Of Membranes) and we thought active labor started after 18 hours but then contractions spaced out and weakened - turned out I was 1.5cm after 30 hours so we transferred to the hospital. Cervidil, eventually epidural, pitocin, pushed for 6 hours and then finally forceps assist. To give an even bigger picture - water broke on Thursday at 12pm, and I gave birth to our sweet girl on Sunday 5.50pm. She was just cool as a cucumber the whole time! The doctor who did the forceps (I was under CNM care at the hospital) joked that at this rate she'll be moving out at 30 LOL! Despite all the changes, I felt really happy and empowered throughout - and I really do credit that to your Online Bradley® Class. My homebirth midwife (who essentially became my doula at the hospital) even commented how well I was communicating what I wanted - clear, firm, but really kind and polite apparently!
Thank you so much for offering this as an online course! We really enjoyed being in the comfort of our home in Colorado and going at our own pace (fast because we were slack and waited so long lol).
Attached is a picture of us with our sweet girl on her 1 month birthday!
Thank you so much and all the best!


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